A To-Do List Revelation
✨ A To-Do List Revelation ✨
Ah, the to-do list! This friend to many can support focus and action. It can also start to feel more like a frenemy when some to-dos stubbornly stay stuck on it.
But, as my coaching client is coming to know more deeply, complex to-dos may never get neatly checked off. As soon as they take action, the challenge shifts. When working through this kind of challenge, effective leadership is noticing, experimenting, and skillfully responding to what emerges. A to-do list can still help us stay focused as long as we remember that it's not a failure to have a complex to-do remain check-less.
My client also realized, "My responsibilities are greater than my to-do list." Yes! This perspective brought with it a new sense of calm and confidence. Amazing!
#CoachingStories #AdaptiveLeadership #CheckingThingsOff(OrNot)